Building community through making art and teaching art
As a multi-arts alliance, Voice of the City unites the finest Chicago artists with each other and the residents of Logan Square/Avondale -- connecting quality arts experiences to community
In the Community; For the community
Voice of the City brings art and art activities to where people are, and at the same time bring people to major artistic events and continuing training.
HUBS and SPOKES: The system VOTC has put in place to realize this goal is taken from the airline community. The airline community took this image from the idea of a bicycle or Conestoga wagon wheel with a central point or HUB and the SPOKES coming from it leading to the farthest points of the outer circle.
Hubs and Spokes system is a way of having a central location (VOTC Studio), THE HUB, that then brings quality (or routes) artists, artistic events, and arts classes to venues located directly in community (parks, libraries, storefront windows, public spaces), that is, THE SPOKES, that have had only little or no artistic contact. By going to these various SPOKES locations and running programs throughout the community enables VOTC to establish access to more people, meeting them where they are, and redirecting people out in the community, to more advanced study and practice back to the HUB: The VOTC Studio.
“Artists make art because they have to—it’s as essential as breathing.”
Yin Yang of Making Art and Teaching Art
There is a virtuous cycle in making art & teaching art: We fulfill our mission through the combination this interplay of making art and teaching art. We exist to bring art to our community by making and teaching art. We exist to help practicing artists teach, and to encourage teaching artists to make new work.