DBGE youth at their final presentation, summer 2017

DBGE youth at their final presentation, summer 2017

We are committed to deepening the connection between artists and the community through education and practice. Young people, ages 1 to 21 can learn side by side with artist/teachers, to create and present original artwork, developing their talents while fostering a lifelong appreciation of the arts—whether or not they can afford to pay.

Many of our students are "in-risk:" They experience multiple factors which can destabilize their lives, affect their safety, and threaten the surety of their life successes. Voice of the City's programs open their safety zone, and help offset poverty and inconsistent schooling options, with solid arts education, that also focuses on college and career readiness, as well as numerous mentorship options.


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Fine Arts for Tots

Arts classes for Toddlers & Pre-K

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Fine Arts for Kids: Arts Camp

on CPS Days OFF


Fine Arts for Kids at Mozart Park

Mixed Media Arts with artist/teacher, Dylan Cullison



Seed to table, hands on teen program.


ART - Art Readiness Training Program

Original performance program

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Amplify Peace

a Bassel & the Supernaturals program