ART - Artist Readiness Training Program

(Apprenticeships and Advanced Apprenticeships)
A.R.T. is a youth artist program where youth create all original performance by finding their own voice, the expression of their ideas, their life experience, thoughts, and emotions through character performance, improv, music, dance, poetry and more.

Have fun! Make work! Get paid! 

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with VOTC's After School Matters program; youth artists "tune" their instrument (voice, body, articulation), build confidence, build on participation, and responsibility, and create safe space all the while presenting original performances that vary from theatre, improv, dance, and poetry.

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Urban sandbox

Try-out & Observe.

Youth artists while training at ART can see professional arts in action with VOTC productions, including the youth produced open-mic Urban Sandbox. Youth artists can observe and learn, or perform along side more seasoned artists gaining experience and performance chops in front of a live audience.

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Youth podcast


Starting in 2018, with a partnership between Columbia College and Collaboraction, youth artists can  hone their original work to be considered for inclusion to be recorded in a youth artist podcast to be distributed to the widest possible audience.