Design.Build.Grow.Eat. explores each of these content areas (design, implementation, agriculture, culinary) using both aesthetic and science centered practices, while building practical working skills like cooperation, communication and problem solving, as youth learn and work within a small group and youth led construct. In DBGE we design and build a labyrinth/community sanctuary at the Kimball Avenue Community Garden Oasis, which includes ongoing projects, which meet the goals of the onsite "client" and the issues that arise (water management, vertical gardening to increase produce yield, aquaponics, etc). New projects and gardens are on the horizon for DBGE youth! 2018 will be an exciting year.
45' x 54' accessible labyrinth
Kimball avenue oasis
Since 2013 over 200 DBGE youth worked on designing and implementing a new configuration for this 100' x 100' space. Located within the Logan Square community, this highly visible space includes the largest accessible labyrinth in the city, two little free libraries, a kinetic sculpture and much more!
DBGE youth at Paradise Garden
paradise garden
In 2017 DBGE youth were invited by NeighborSpace's Paradise Garden (Lyndale & Drake Avenues) to design and help implement a Nature Play space.
DBGE youth building accessible planter boxes for gardeners who cannot kneel
other projects
DBGE youth are called upon to help clean up community gardens and participate in work days throughout Logan Square.